Can Invenio store RO-Crate data with linked data accessible

I realise Invenio isn’t a triple store, but…

I’ve colleagues who want to move to Ro-Crate as a primary format for data assets (in a UK-based academic research data context). An RO-crate (v1.1 spec) is essentially three items:

  • a linked data (JSON-LD) manifest of the asset(s)
  • an HTML page explaining the asset(s)
  • one-or-more assets/data files

How does Invenio store such data? As one record or several (linked/) records.

I am sorry to ask what may appear a dumb question, but I’m not a DBA and the docs are rather unclear. My interest is in the find-ability/usability of stored data rather than the database tech itself.

Background to my asking is that if the LD data object is stored as a ‘dumb’ resource (just a d/b record) much of the benefit of the linked data and work doing into that is lost. However if the record’s LD manifest can be queried as such this makes use of Invenio far more useful to us. I hope thid question makes sense.

your question makes a lot of sense. At the moment, there is no ad-hoc support in InvenioRDM.

We have implemented an experimental upload of records via API, see here, here and here.

In Zenodo, users uploaded a RO-Crate packages as a .zip file, see example here.

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Thank you as it helps to have some clarity. Please forgive a follow up question arising from this.

If a project wanted for [reason] to use a format like RO-Crate, presumably Invenio can only offer up the whole stored asset of file(s). Put another way, if the JSON-LD manifest from the create is copied into an LD system, a query there couldn’t currently pull a subset of the order records asset(s)?

My hunch would be ‘no’, at least at present and I don’t take that as a negative. I think it reflects a different perspective on repositories—there being no one ‘right’ way. :slight_smile:

If I understand correctly, you are asking if it would be possible to query a subset of the data, and as you guessed, no it is not possible :cry: