The documentation explains how to add new resource types and custom fields, including how to make custom fields required. However, if this is done it seems to make the custom fields required for all resources types. Is there an easy way to make custom fields required for specific resource types but not others?
Many thanks,
This is right - custom fields as any other baked in field in the upload form doesn’t consider cross field dependencies. In the past there were mentions from the community about conditional behaviour of some fields in the upload form based on others. If this is a use case in your institutional instance maybe you can start a new discussion topic to see if there is interest from others on that!
Thanks for the reply. I’m not actually 100% sure if custom fields is right for our use case.
We are considering using Invenio for storing experimental data. Obviously this on its own can easily be done using Invenio basically out-of-the-box. However, we also want to store metadata-only records with completely different (but validated) metadata. For example, the data is grouped into “campaigns”, and we would like to store the campaigns with their associated metadata. There would be other metadata-only resource types each with their own metadata schemas.
Does this sound like something for custom fields, or do we instead need to make a much deeper customization of Invenio to support this?
Custom fields is the mechanism of InvenioRDM to extend the existing metadata schema. From what you are describing it seems you would need a much deeper customization indeed. InvenioRDM comes with an opiniated metadata schema and provides extension points via e.g custom fields.
I would still encourage you to create a discussion topic in case somebody else is interested in a similar case and therefore find common synergies.